Edit: Applications are now closed.
Together with Prof. Jeff Yan we are hiring 2 postdoc researchers to conduct interdisciplinary security research. The positions are for 2 years and we are welcoming candidates with different types of backgrounds, including computer science, psychology, criminology, behavioural economics, etc.
The funding is not connected to a specific topic, which means candidates have the freedom to pursue their own interests within the area of security research. You can have a look at my publication list for some topics I’m interested in. The sky is the limit, as long as you can convince us your research is a great idea 😉
Deadline for applying is 23rd of July 2019. The position is at the University of Linkoping (Sweden), with a visiting researcher position at the Erasmus University in Rotterdam (The Netherlands). It’s possible (and desirable) to spend some time at both universities. More information can be found here. If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me an email (vanderzee|at|ese.eur.nl). Feel free to share this advertisement with anyone who may be interested.